

The Animal Husbandry is one of the sector in the Department of Agriculture, Animal Husbandry and Cooperation having three Directorates namely Animal Husbandry, Dairy and Fisheries. The sector is responsible for matters relating to livestock production, preservation, protection from disease and improvement of stocks and dairy development. It also looks after all matters pertaining to fishing and fisheries, inland and marine.

Dairying is an important enterprise to supplement income and reduce underemployment of small and marginal farmers and agricultural labourers. It also helps in improving the nutritional standard of the people. It has been realized that dairy development could be used as a tool for bringing about socio-economical change among the rural farming community by providing milk production as a subsidiary occupation.

The fisheries development programme plays an important role in development of rural areas of Jharkhand, which has vast inland water recources. Fish serves to supplement the nutritional food requirement of the people, its production generates additional employment opportunities and thus improves the income level in rural areas. It has also been realised that fisheries development could be used as a tool for bringing about socio-economic change amongst the rural farming community by providing fish production as a main / subsidiary source of occupation.